Best assistance provided for Diplomatic Passport or Appointment


Diplomatic Appointment and passport are two very high level issues that involve business of the government. There are several pirated and fake websites on the internet that make false promises of obtaining diplomatic passports for you. Some even provide you with fake and forged diplomatic passports that are imprinted with altered numbers. So, it is most vital that such websites and concerns be avoided, and follow only those concerns who are actual in nature.

Our concern has a wide network of diplomats all across the world, including many Foreign Service officers and government officials who truly believe us in our business of diplomatic consultancy. Through such a network of elite class, we assure you of obtaining your diplomatic passports at your Foreign Ministry office or an official embassy of your country.

The persons with the following track record of history are not eligible of obtaining a Diplomatic Passport:

  • Persons with criminal records
  • Persons with international arrest warrants
  • Persons who are in the purview of international intelligence agencies
  • Persons with doubtful and questionable reputation
  • And also individuals with age of less than 30 to 35 years, unless they have achieved something

The persons carrying Diplomatic Passports enjoy several benefits compared to the individuals with normal passports. Some of them can be observed as follows: special treatment while passing borders, special treatment at customs, red carpet treatment at many airports internationally and also use the diplomatic lounge.

The other additional benefits include:

  • Absence of any tax liability on many income sources
  • Flexible visa restrictions
  • International prestige by carrying the passport
  • Highly welcomed by many political or business environments
  • Easy travel upgrades on many airlines and hotels
  • No need to pay departure tax at the airports
  • Visa free travel in several cases
  • Free visas to any country
  • Ease in restrictions for visa process
  • Facility to meet top diplomats like top ranking government officials in many countries

Obtaining a Diplomatic Passport is a complex process and moreover the document carries a high value with it in the middle of the governments. In the process of obtaining a Diplomatic Passport, the application process will begin once some initial payment is done with the brokerage firm. The payment process involves making a part payment when the application for Diplomatic Passport is accepted and the remaining and final payment, once the related documents are received wholly.

Carrying a Diplomatic Passport is related to high level business, and it means you are related to the business of the government officials. Some of the countries also mandate that the person carrying Diplomatic Passport should also carry along with him the regular passport, in order to declare him or herself as a tourist, the absence of which would become illegal.

Know Your Eligibility to Get Diplomatic or Special Passports


Let us now have a look at the eligibility criteria and the terms of use of Diplomatic or Special Passport.

  • Unless the person has special authorization by the Passport program, he needs to travel with only 1 valid country passport.
  • When the person is traveling on the official business trip, they should not use their special passport. To know more about the same, one can consult an expert on honorary consul.
  • When the person is travelling for just personal reasons, they need to carry only their regular passport but there are again exceptions to this. The person can use their special passport if they are on an official trip just after their personal trip without returning home. In such a case they can use their special passport. The diplomats can also make use of their special passports when they are posted in a different country.
  • Once the trip has been completed, the special passport has to be returned back but this does not hold true in case of those employees who have a MoU with the Passport program.
  • If the person does not follow the set rules of the passport program, it can lead to revoking of the bearer’s passport and they might as well be denied any special passport in the future as well.

How and who can make use of the special passport?

One can apply for or renew an existing passport if they meet up the below mentioned criteria,

  • If your regular passport has the same name as in the new application
  • If your regular passport was issued to you when you are about 16 years of age
  • If the regular passport you hold has been issued with a validity period of 5 years or 10 years
  • If your regular passport is still valid or has been expired for not more than an year
  • If your regular passport is not damaged and was never reported as stolen or lost.

Who can apply for both passports at the same time?

If you have applied to become an honorary consul and wish to apply for both the passports at the same time, it is advised you book for an honorary consul appointment with the experts who can guide you with the process.

If you are one of those who do not even have a regular passport, you can apply for both the passports at the same time.

While you can expect help from professionals who have the needed experience to assist you with special passports, it is important you choose the right team to help you with the same. Choose the firm who has the needed experience and expertise as they need to be aware of all the rules and regulations involved with the same.

Diplomatic Consultants Make Diplomat Passport Application Smooth


There are many consultants and service providers who help to get diplomatic passport in less time and help with the complete application process. As compared to the service passport that is given to citizens, travelling on a diplomatic passport has a lot of advantage. It is always beneficial to travel on diplomatic passport as it gives political access, entitles the passport holder to multiple privileges, helps in saving tax and provides immunity. Since it is a special category of passport which is available to only selected people serving the designation of diplomat, seeking professional guidance helps in applying for the same without any hassle. There are many consultants which provide complete guidance on the application and take care of all the legal and important documents needed for submission. The diplomats or individuals working in higher designation in foreign services not only have the leverage of diplomatic passport but has much other advantage to their credit.

There are a lot of privileges available to the consul as they help in strengthening ties, ensure goodwill and facilitate investments among two nations. With the help of diplomatic consultant, one can get the title of honorary consul. By working with a consultant or broker, it becomes easy for one to become consul. They get immunity and are not subjected to jurisdiction from local court of the country they are serving. It will protect the diplomats from lot of things like bags not being searched, exempted from tax, no parking fee required at car parks and host country police cannot entire the consuls or diplomat’s office without permission.

Most of the diplomatic consulting services have ties and contact with international politicians and are within the loop of political network. Consultants are in contact with the political circle and hence can help a person in getting the title. The process is not very easy but under the right guidance of consultants, it becomes convenient to start with the application process. Although a consultant cannot guarantee the designation but helps with everything possible to make the process less complicated.

Even with the help of consultants, it is not guaranteed that one will be eligible for the designation as a lot of it will depend on one’s history, service and education background. Consultants help an individual to understand the process and make the application process starting from submitting of CV to everything easy. The diplomats and consuls are highly regarded and important as they represent their nation in a host country. With diplomatic passport, diplomats can travel with lot of privilege and professional consultants help with complete process of application of the passport.

Honorary Consuls – Regarded as Respective Members of Community


Do you know that honorary consuls are respected as members of elite community as well as diplomatic corps? Also they duly come with highly marked privilege along with perks and protection. They are duly provided with all sorts of perks and luxuries similar to that of a V.I.P. They are duly recognized by international law thus enjoy the same privilege of an enthusiastic career diplomat.

What is an Honorary Consul?

Prior you get honorary consul, it is better to know about an honorary consul. For your kind information he is considered to be an official representative of a particular country within the territory of another. It is a bit different from that of an ambassador; the later serves as a representative of a head of state in another country and the embassy.

A consul holds the authority to head up an official consulate into any particular city. He strives hard for strengthening ties, facilitating trade along with goodwill and investment between two different nations. An honorary consul either gets a nominal pay for the service rendered or is provided with recognition.

Basis on Which an Individual Get Selected as an Honorary Consul

Still, honorary consuls take the responsibility of carrying out with their professions in the best manner in sparing time to perform their consular duties.  On the basis of age, experience, connections, political views along with integrity and charisma an individual gets selected for the position of an honorary consul.

To be broad, there is hardly any election to win. You will definitely be on your way successfully in case you are able to get into touch with influential persons like politicians and government officials into the foreign country. After fetching diplomatic appointments, it becomes easy to protect one from certain infractions.

Benefits to be Availed

Diplomatic immunity is considered to be a principle in terms of international law through which government officials in foreign countries are hardly subjected to the jurisdiction of local courts and other authorities.  It is applicable to both official as well as personal activities to a larger extent.

Even the bags you will be carrying will not be searched as they along with you fall into the category of diplomats. Other benefits that will be available to you include:

  • No charging of parking tickets
  • No requirement of paying sales tax or VAT
  • No paying of property taxes on property owned

Numerous Intricacies to Get Familiarized

The office along with your residence will serve to be an inviolable territory of the sending country and will hardly be accessible to officials of host country. Each and every nation is well known for interpreting diplomatic immunity through various ways. There are numerous intricacies to which one needs to get familiarized.

It must be noted that honorary consul titles are not at all sold simply on the Internet. Instead one must prove himself to fetch such an honorary and appreciable position.

Comparison of Privileges Enjoyed by Honorary Council and Ambassador


Countries like North Korea pay a small token of $2500. However, there are other countries that cannot pay anything. These honorary consuls have to abide by international law. However, they do not have to follow any local law of the country where they are working. Thus, the diplomatic immunity protects the honorary consul whose bags cannot be searched.

The parking tickets are meaningless when applied to honorary consul’s car. No tax, including sales tax or VAT on things bought for home/office is required. There is no such thing as a property tax on home or office. No one like a policeman or army can enter the residence. In 1963, around 177 countries in Vienna agreed to the diplomat benefits. This is known as Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Each country interprets diplomatic immunity in separate ways. Hence it took time for all to familiarise. The ambassadors have to be addressed as Mr. Ambassador or His Excellency. Since they get to travel to several countries, they are given diplomatic passports. They often represent European Union, North America or ASEAN countries.

Ambassador Responsibility

The responsibility of an ambassador depends on the sending country in the international organisation. Sometimes there are no embassies. Yet, the ambassador is working for two embassies.  Comparing the two positions, ambassador and honorary council, it is easier to become an ambassador. This is because there is no waiting for approval from the country. The only CV is required and once through, it takes 4-8 weeks to get a diplomatic passport made. There are no restrictions in borders.

While travelling there is no waiting in lines for baggage. There are several other privileges like red carpet treatment, usage of diplomatic lounge and more. Also, free visas to many countries and do not have to pay airport departure tax.  There are some countries where it is mandatory to have a regular valid passport. A diplomatic passport requires many accompanying documents from the country that is issuing it. It has to be registered with the foreign ministry with the appointment. Diplomatic passports may be received by an individual for a certain purpose. The process is very easy. There is an initial consultation regarding the requirements of the person. After making suitable appointments, the person’s details, including professional, personal CV, and essay are collected. The person can negotiate with potential Governments. After the appointment and collecting supporting documents from the host country process takes 4-24 weeks. In case the person is not qualified, he/she is informed the application will not go through.

Some One to Help You at Any Time


The persons who are designated by the foreign government to look after the affairs of their citizens in foreign countries for others are known, honorary consul. It is very important to get honorary consul because they will handle issues like visas and trade. Although one cannot say them that they are official Foreign Service personnel but they are really expatriates as well as business people. These people have ties or sometimes connections with that particular recipient country.

One can expect them local people designated by a foreign government to represent their interests in a foreign city or even in the foreign country. They are higher diplomatic to help the people. I think that usually or other they have some of the business or cultural connection with recipient country.  An Honorary Consuls cannot be said as professional diplomats because they usually do work for their living as well as one can expect them good taxpayer in the country. One of the best things is that they do their duties in their native countries but some in exceptional cases they are not the citizen.

If one will get honorary consul appointment, then it will be the luckiest thing because they get ample of benefits. They are usually gets selected or gets their appointment on the basis of their merits. They automatically can get a diplomatic passport which comes with an opportunity to travel the world.  Although they cannot get the diplomatic passports but they need not apply for entry visas. They can also use a different entry from that one can use by ordinary pass holders.  Even they will not face any problem in customs clearance; it will be a minute task for them. Honorary consul will never see in the queue at the airports to get the luggage checked.  They are great business persons because they know how to take benefits from International business. The excellent opportunity of serving their nation is the best thing they have but the drawbacks are that they do not enjoy diplomatic immunity. Honorary consul cannot enjoy any preferences in the taxation.

An Honorary consul gets the license to ketchup with the government persons and the members of the host government as well. It is their duty to receive the country’s head as well as his delegation on whatever time they visit. The status increases after getting this place in the society. It comes with the contacts of important persons in the society. The privilege and the respect which will be enjoyed after getting this position of honorary consul are magnificent. One can enjoy the respect of the community and enjoy all the facilities available.

Stand Out Of the Crowd with Some Elite Privileges


Be the special one to represent your country in the most extravagant way possible by becoming an honorary consul. An honorary consul is different from a country’s ambassador as they won’t have to stand up for elections, and all you need to do is to have a charisma that has the ability to attract government officials and politicians of some other countries. Honorary consul appointment is an honour as these are highly respected parts of any community, imagine having to roam in different countries with flags of your country fluttering on your car, never having to pay parking tickets, humongous tax savings, as you will not be required to pay real estate taxes, and have a sweet home beyond the boundaries of law enforcements. You will be recognised by international law and legally enjoy all the benefits that career diplomat enjoys.


How are these consuls appointed?


Countries appoint their honorary consuls by pushing them into a ring of fire and rigorously testing them for their integrity, political views and charisma. Age and experience also seem to play a key role when it comes to your appointment as a consul. After being appointed as an honorary consul, you will not be subjected to the jurisdiction of local courts, and you are going to be shielded from many minor infractions, but these are not be mistaken for a permit to do illegal things abroad, for your country reserves the right to cancel out your privileges.


Who is a Diplomat?


A Diplomat is a person appointed by a state that maintains and enhances diplomatic ties with other countries or international organisations or to protect of interests and nationals of the sending state, facilitation of strategic agreements, treaties, promoting trade and commerce and much more. Diplomats are members of foreign services and diplomatic corps of various nations around the world. Diplomatic appointments are done on the basis of experience on their management and negotiation skills.


A diplomat’s benefits


Each diplomat gets a diplomat passport, and benefits of travelling with a diplomatic passport are endless, some airports around the world reserve a special red carpet for various diplomats around the world. While being posted to an embassy or delegation in some foreign country, diplomats and both honorary consuls enjoy many special privileges and the same diplomatic immunities. Diplomats in service collect and report information that would affect their national interests. If you are in a habit of not working autonomously, do go for diplomatic appointments. A diplomat has one of the most responsible jobs on this planet, and if you feel that you actually have that sense of responsibility, integrity within you, a career as a diplomat is going to be the most thrilling jobs you can have for yourself.


Diplomatic Passport and Honorary Consul Appointment – Now Easily Available


An honorary consul is an actor involved into the activities of international relations. In majority of cases, he will be serving into his own country followed by supporting interests of legal entities along with citizens of another country. He is also held responsible for serving economic cum commercial interests with the official agreement of the particular sending state.

Factors Taken into Consideration for Appointment

After you successfully get honorary consul appointment from the concerned authority, you may easily stimulate educational, cultural, scientific relations as well as tourism. Your appointment takes into consideration the following factors like:

  • Personal prestige
  • Integrity
  • Influence
  • Stability of your assets
  • Certain commitment to sending state

Material allowances are usually not taken into consideration for activities of consuls. In order to get appointed for the office of a consul must be a genuine citizenship holder of the receiving country. Also, he must hold a permanent residence in the respective consular district. At the same time, the concerned candidate must be in a favorable position for:

  • Operating from own resources regardless of remuneration
  • Duly qualified
  • Having no criminal record
  • Knowledgeable enough in the native language
  • Getting held in high public esteem as well as social repute
  • Unbounded by fulfilling functions on behalf of third state

Tasks to be Completed

The head of the diplomatic mission of the sending country holds the authority to put forward a nomination to the foreign minister, holding the legal authority of making such appointments. Getting into connection with the appointment procedure into the receiving country, the holder of diplomatic passport completes the following tasks:

  • Preliminary inquiries
  • Personal proposals

Such prestigious diplomatic appointments along with passport programs are mainly meant for persons of wealth and guys who are serious enough. Also, the person appointed must hold the ability to offer the hosting country something valuable in return against diplomatic appointment. The cost of the appointment to some extent depends upon the positions available along with country cum CV and proof of funds test.

Getting Provided with the Option of Traveling

As a part of the program, you will be provided with the option of travelling to the host countries consulate to meet the Ambassador personally. He will be there to present you with your credentials cum diplomatic passport. As an alternate, the ambassador will be sending the same to you through a reliable courier service.

Ensuring about Genuineness

At the same time, proof of funds play a vital role. It may be a recent and updated bank statement that will reflect your name in a crystal clear manner. For security purpose, it is suggested to whiteout the account number. For correspondence convenience, it is essential to provide details like nationality, country of legal residence along with place of business and city.

After you get qualified successfully, you will be ensured about your genuineness to serve in a diligent manner.

Join This Profession of Prestige and Recognition


To get honorary consul appointment, one must have good merits because the selection process is on the basis of merit only.  They play the role of a bridge between the people of other country and the host nation. They enhance the bilateral relations which can be in trade, science, economy and culture between the sending country and the country of the citizenship. The most important thing which they can do is to develop the international relations. An honorary consul is the representative of the country who gives assistance and consular protection of citizens and institutions of their country. It works as a support system of an Embassy of the country who sends the cultural, traditional assistance and develops the relations. They can be with the sending country and their citizens.

The benefits of an honorary consul are ample because they can travel as VIP person, without VISAS. They can get an opportunity to meet the officials who are in the government department. They must be regular taxpayers with a great social status. They work on the behalf of the government who have the power, the will as well as the moral impetus for promoting the nation’s interest. They must put the nation’s interest as their ultimate motive to achieve. Their approach must be modern for achieving the foreign policy goals for increasing diplomatic relations by giving strengths to the relations of government officials and the diplomatic representatives. The flags on the cars boost the respect and integrity of their designation.

To get diplomatic appointment, one must possess the quality and ability to behave according to certain etiquette along with to promote their interests. Their duty is to collect post and information that can affect nation’s interest often without caring how their own country government responds. They convey the messages in the most persuasive way that can be the views of their own government to the foreign government.  They are the openers and closers of the continuous process from where foreign policy starts. Their duty is to secure communication systems also with the emails, and mobile telephones also.  It also unlocks the world of privilege and ample of opportunities. They can be available for selected individuals. They will get the guidance, care and legal advice by certain companies to obtain the goals.  They are directed connected to the country’s embassy as well as a delegation in a foreign country. They are career diplomats as well as political appointees enjoy the same diplomatic immunities.  They are connected to the government officials but they cannot act abruptly on any matter because of their posts which have major responsibility of implementing every action according to the benefit of the nation.

A Brief Summary about Honorary Consul


Nowadays, people have often come across the term ‘honorary consul’ and ‘ambassador’. Honorary consul is actually an official representative of one country in another country. However, it is different from ambassador as the latter is representative of a state in another country. An ambassador, however, heads an embassy in the capital of his/her country.


Honorary consul is chosen according to experience, age, integrity, business and political connections, charisma and political views. To get honorary consul, elections are not required. To become an honorary consult, one should have work experience with diplomatic consultant. Also, he/she should handle any type of emergency with intelligence and understanding.


Job of Honorary Consul


The main job of an honorary consul is to strengthen ties with neighbouring countries. Also, he/she try to facilitate more trade and investment in inter-country matters. He/she cannot ever involve himself/herself in illegal activities. If one gets associated with such illegal activities, then, the title of honorary consul is snatched from him/her. Also, they are not provided with any other benefits. Some of them even serve imprisonment depending upon the activities.


It is a very prestigious post. So, an honorary consul is always treated with great honor. An honorary consul is provided with diplomacy immunity and several other benefits. Diplomatic immunity is an international law which makes foreign governmental officials free from the jurisdiction of local authorities and courts.


Some of the additional benefits provided to the honorary consul or diplomatic passport, not paying VAT, sales tax, property tax, etc. Diplomatic passports are used by consuls and diplomats when they visit overseas. It is quite different than official passport as the former can be issued other government officials based on the situation. A diplomatic passport provides more opportunities and privilege to people. They are never sold, rather, are selected for individuals. If any organization tries to sale diplomatic passport, then, it is fraudulent.


Importance of Diplomatic Passport


Diplomatic passport provides numerous benefits to people like baggage inviolability, standing in special line at custom, ease passage across borders. Some of the other additional benefits provided are no tax on airport departure, travel upgrades on hotels and airlines, instant door opener in business and political world, etc.


By using diplomatic passports, one can get 20 to 40% discount on BMW and Volvo diplomatic cars. It also increases one‘s prestige internationally. One even do not need to pay taxes on several sources of income. The passport is issued along with other supporting documents by State Department or foreign ministry of a country.


One needs to follow a simple process to issue the diplomatic passport. At first, initial consultation is needed with officials so that they can know one’s needs. The, one should find possible appointments and opportunities. The officials then compile personal and professional data, CVs and other related documents which will be required for making the passport. The appointment is negotiated with prominent government officials. At last, the appointment along with other documents is collected from the office. This process takes a time of 4 to 25 weeks and can vary from country to country. Also, this can vary according to political climate.